Sunday, July 31, 2011

One of those days

Ever have one of those days?
The birds start chirping too early?
It's too warm for jeans but too cool for shorts?
You take 500 pictures but don't really get anything great?
You notice other peoples children sharing but yours are insulting each other all day?
You know your day is going to end the same way it did yesterday, and the day, week and month before?
Yeah, it's one of those days.
I never realized how well the iMac reflects when it's off... Eh.

Saturday, July 30, 2011


I don't really want my picture taken today; I'm not really in the mood.

I went to the library for their annual book sale and brought home more than an armload of art books for just  under $20, that was exciting, did some jewelry repair, laundry, shopping. Eh, it's just one of those 'get it done' days; I'm glad that I accomplished something at least.

I'm tired of listening to the kids fight, it makes me feel tired, defeated.

Blablabla, day three, check.

This is my room, it's where I hide when I think I might kill someone or cry.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Silver streaks are the "in" thing :)

Wow, check me out! Two days in a row?!

Today was a busy day, not too crazy, but rushed tasks one after the other. I'm tired.

...I noticed my first grey hair when I was 17; I was a high school drop out, a run away, practically homeless, probably malnourished and pregnant. I've made some seriously misguided and reckless decisions in my life and done lots of great things too. I've learned from my mistakes (some lessons took longer than others) and there are still challenges that pop up to surprise me. But no matter what life throws at me (or what I sometimes throw at myself), no matter how much stress I am under I know that each day is a chance to start new in some way :) those small changes add up after just a short while and before I know it there are improvements and I am grateful for that.

I earned each and every one of those grey hairs, they're mine and I refuse to cover them up :)

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Jumping in with both feet...

In a recent conversation about continuing education, art and self-esteem a friend suggested I take a photograph of myself everyday.  I can't say that I remember his reasoning accurately, but I would assume is has something to do with confidence building and acceptance of myself. Right away it sounded like an assignment with a purpose and I was really excited about it; I started that very day taking photos of myself.

It lasted exactly 2 days. Yeah.

I don't know why I lost momentum immediately like that, I wonder if it's because I had lots of freedom to choose a theme. With too many options floating around it's nearly impossible for me to pluck one from thin air. Was I busy? Yes, my mother was in town. Was I in the mood for this project? I suppose I was (for 2 days anyway). The bottom line is that it is a good idea, I like assignments, I could use some confidence, there are things about myself it's time to accept (okay, so there was more than one bottom line) AND I do have this ongoing discomfort with having my picture taken; it's time to stop hiding behind the camera and jump in with both feet! As a matter of fact, my feet is where I will start; this photo was taken a few days ago. Starting tomorrow, a photograph a day :) everyday.
Feet sure take a beating; they carry us around for most of our lives. I say thank you to my feet. Strange how my toes curl like that and my 'pinky toe' nails are almost not there. Oh well, they're my feet and they get me where I'm going.