There is something about sitting alone at the laundromat (I don't like this word) that I find comforting. The sounds all merge and become white noise, the heat from the drying clothes is cozy and just being an anonymous nobody lets me think for a while undisturbed.
While I was at work earlier I found myself amazed all of a sudden at the number of things I can be highly functional at, all at the same time. Flying through a pile of fresh tomatoes with a razor sharp knife while I make lists in my head of the most efficient ways to get as much done today as I can. I'm thinking of so many things at once that I'm surprised that I can recall thinking any of it at all. But I'm not only slicing, measuring, stirring, baking and mental list making, I'm also daydreaming about recent encounters-smiling like an idiot, wearing headphones and accurately singing along to entire albums, I'm planning dinner and anticipating the argument I'm going to have with Curtis about how I actually don't "make salmon all the time" and I'm figuring if I at least use my phone to write this blog while the laundry is washing and drying I might find the time/energy to not use the webcam on my computer to take my photo today ;) that's a big might
.... Cool, Tony is here to watch things toss around in the dryer with me, haha, guess I'll work on this later!
It's strange, now that I'm home I don't really want to write.. being at the laundromat (yup, still don't like it) gave me no distractions.. well, less anyway. All those thoughts that rush through my head when I'm at work at least get me somewhere; when I'm home it's a completely unproductive thought process. Right now I can hear Brian "cleaning" his room, my mom ears detect a lazy child putting everything in the closet, in a big pile, that's not clean... my desk is a mess (as usual) and I wonder who will go to open mic tonight.. I still need to go to the store because I really want salmon tonight but will probably end up having leftover sweet potato chili from last night and the argument with Curtis will be similar to the "salmon argument"-"I know we had it last night, but I don't make it all the time" haha! I want to sell my Sigma 18-200, I never use it, I want to sell my Sigma 10-20, but Mike says I can't, I want to use the money from selling those two lenses to get an awesome new prime lens! I love prime lenses! It's no wonder I don't get anything accomplished at this desk..
Screw it! I'm going to start hanging out at the laundromat AND I'm using the webcam to take the photo ;)
blablabla |