Saturday, July 21, 2012

Project terminated

Just one week shy of the goal and more than a week behind I've decided this is my last post for this project; I have no desire to catch up or continue for the next week.

There isn't much I want to talk about publicly right now. I've just been riding a great wave the past couple of months and loving every minute of it. While I'm not having a good couple days right now, it's days exactly like these that put those great days into perspective. There are far more good days than not-so-good ones... I'm grateful for that :)

It's been a great year with a few foul interruptions; I appreciate the public and private support, encouragement and feedback. Thank you :)

I'm going to take a break from blogging (guilt free this time) but will be back to it before you know it, with less frequent entires jam packed with the essence of me... Jessness, hahaha! Have you had your Jessness today? (okay, that was just silly)

Flex your Youness

I'm all kinds of silly

Saturday, July 14, 2012

July 14th

Okay, so with little to nothing to say, catching up with this blog is a huge pain in the ass.. I'm not really excited about this hot, humid weather we're having right now but, honestly.. lately it feels better outside than it does in the kitchen at work... I should be sweating off a few pounds this week for sure :)

The beach was beautiful today; I went with my favorite guys, Brian, Curtis and Keith.. good times

Friday, July 13, 2012

Friday the 13th

there wasn't anything exceptionally creepy, or fantastic about this day... The photo in this entry is from April.. haha, I apologize, that's just the way it is... get over it

a singing bowl making me happy

Thursday, July 12, 2012

All mixed up

So, I've got an entire week to catch up on.. I'm glad I managed to take a few photos at least along the way :) Things have been great, fun, busy, lazy and fantastic! Hopefully I get caught up today ;) IT'S ALMOST OVER!!

My colors :)

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Sorry, no photo.. yet I come home and get straight to business after taking some shots at the skate park today..

I was not paying attention and slipped the SD card into the optical drive which was more than happy to swallow it whole and hide the card behind its velvety flaps.. I unplug the Mac, and attempt (gently) to retrieve my card with a steak knife.. yeah, not happening.. so it's off to Gorham Micro I go to drop off the Mac so they can take her apart and fetch the card for only $85.. an hour later my phone rings, "the card's not in the optical drive.... there isn't anywhere else it could have gone" ..... silence ..... "it's in there." I tell him, "I'm not insane, I watched it go in... there's no way it just came back out on it's own." ..... more silence..... "I don't know what to tell you" he says... I said some bad words and may have growled out loud :-/ "listen, I watched it go in, I heard it rattling around when I was walking with it to your shop, it did not fall out. it. is. in. there. And now because you can't find it, I've lost my card, photos and it will probably melt or something and cause huge problems later"... "I'll look again tomorrow" he says.... 2 minutes later my phone rings.. he found it jammed into a heat sink; I'd say that's pretty amazing since he tried to convince me there isn't any way it could have gotten out of the optical drive aside from the way it went in... I was very excited :)

I learned a few lessons today...
1. a card reader is far less than the $85 labor if this ever happens again, now I shop.
2. sometimes it's important to really insist you're right and know what you're talking about
3. when you have a frustrating problem that becomes a compound problem that is partially resolved bringing you back to the original problem (needing to spend $85 for a stupid move on my part) it doesn't feel as frustrating as it did originally.

Monday, July 9, 2012


I find it bizarre that I don't have much to say lately.. I suppose there is still that constant stream of thoughts that run through my head, but I try to ignore most of them, haha! Doubting myself has been a strange theme the past few days in the non-stop inner dialogue. Not really sure what's up with that; it's a good thing I'm aware of it though, that makes a huge difference :)

Sunday, July 8, 2012


it's hard to believe, I know, but I may have run out of things to say

Friday, July 6, 2012

Lazy days

Yes, I'm one of those people that hides from the extreme heat of summer and the extreme cold of winter; give me spring and fall all year long.. they're great!

I put myself in a time out today.. 15 minutes in bed for this young lady ;) 

Thursday, July 5, 2012


I should probably cut back on the bacon before I have a heart attack... but it's just so goooooood!

me and bacon...  like peas and carrots..
only we're jess and bacon

Wednesday, July 4, 2012


I had a great 4th of July... Spent all day and night in movie-marathon mode with Keith... 

this photo is not from the 4th.. haha, playing catch-up again :/

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

... so far

It's a great surprise to remember I have the 4th off, it translates to not worrying about how late I stay up tonight because I can sleep in tomorrow. I cheated a little bit today on the sleeping; I did get up on time, took my shower and all that jazz.. but then I climbed back into bed to cuddle and snooze an extra hour; it may have been the best hour of my day... so far ;)

Keith is pretty cuddly (when he doesn't have a raging sun burn), I'm a lucky lady ;)

Sunday, July 1, 2012


Hey, look! Three entries in one day.. yay.

I was checking out the calendar today and July 27 will be my last entry for this project. I'm excited to move onto what I've decided will be a weekly blog instead of a daily one. The focus, if there is one, hasn't been decided on yet.