Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The scary "L" word

Hate is a scary word.. so are the words cancer, death, terminated, LOOK OUT!! can be scary and spider (now that might just be me) but one word that can strike terror into the heart of the strongest person is Love. I'm not talking about how you love your family, children, parents or friends, I'm talking about romantic love..
~*insert terrifying music here*~ 

I know plenty of people who have been in my shoes; you've been hurt in the past, cheated on, lied to, screwed over, taken for granted and taken advantage of.. it leaves you feeling hopeless sometimes.. but then you get over it, you take the time to know yourself again and you swear you'll never let anyone close enough to hurt you.. it's easier this way.. at least that's what you -I mean I-  tell myself..

So you just go along day after day, spending time with your family and friends laughing and having a grand ol' time and one day you forget about that "L" word. You distract yourself with life, good times, good people- it's not a bad thing. Then out of the blue there's a spark and you decide to take a chance, a 1/1000 chance... and it's like lightning strikes.

Without going into too much detail.. I'm terrified. It's such a vulnerable feeling, putting yourselves out there. Knowing it could all go wrong again. Putting faith into, well.. nothing! Haha! What a crap shoot! What a leap! It's a gamble you make with your own heart on the line. Now THAT is some scary shit.

I feel naked.

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