Thursday, September 15, 2011

Day 50

I don't know what to do with myself right now. I'm sitting comfortably in my pjs trying to write Jessness Day 50 and I'm a little sad; well not sad, but something that isn't super-great, something is missing.

The past couple of weeks I've been having a fantastic time that could just keep going on forever if you ask me and I seem to have forgotten what I was doing in the weeks and months before. I mean, I wasn't morbidly depressed, but I was busy enough doing things I love to easily forget how lonely I was. The kids were out of school for the summer, I had work to do of course and I know I was keeping busy getting ready for the North Dam Mill hanging and taking photos... AH HA!! again, that's it! I really need to take the camera out before I go nuts. If it's not raining tonight that is EXACTLY what I'm going to do :) I wish I had the freedom to just jump up and go right now! I wish I was on vacation! I wish I could just run away!

no need to freak out.. 

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