Tuesday, May 1, 2012


For such a long day, you'd think I would have a lot to say... I don't think that I do though...

I had a nice, busy day at work. Had bacon for lunch (I blame Cory, haha! tomorrow I'm casting my vote for Thai food). Took the boys and went for a visit with Mom and Sabrina; Curtis was a bit of a pain in the backside, but overall it was a good visit. I spent enough time cooking at work today so we ate a yummy frozen pizza for dinner. Then after giving angry birds some serious attention I left to visit with one of my fantastic friends this evening. I came home to find Mom sleeping downstairs so that explains why the photo was taken in my bed. Hey, why not right? blog then sleep :) or maybe blog, angry birds space then sleep.. or maybe I'll just make some bacon... no, maybe not ;)

yeah, I look tired.. maybe I'll skip the angry birds


  1. Mmmm bacon.. bacons like that makes everything that much better. Even if you dont like bacon wrap bacon with bacon. Got a baconnnn allergyyy..? Bacon. I dont know anyone in your post but if i were them id request bacon. How you doin? Haha cant wait to chill.
