Friday, August 12, 2011

Back to balanced

TGIF.. a few weeks ago it all of a sudden became impossible for me to sleep my standard 12-14 hours on Friday night, I don't really know why but I keep waking up at 6am like I do during the week.. Tonight I plan to overcome whatever hurdle is in my way and sleep for most of the day.. By the time I get up, make coffee and get motivated Photo Market will already be closed, so I'll go pick up my photos on Monday. That means that aside from editing photos for AOK Herbals and maybe taking some new photos I'm not doing a damned thing this weekend, and I LOVE THAT IDEA. I need to get back something I lost at the end of June, it's called  balance. This weekend is going to be relaxed and productive at the same time :) Now I'm going to eat my Almond Joy pieces.. they're yummmmmy

Day 16, can you believe it?!  

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