Okay, so I just spent the last 2ish hours sweating my ass off with long pants and a long sleeved fleece zipped all the way up, hiding my face in the collar. My hair was slicked with bug spray and my face, hands and feet were under constant attack by mosquitos. Haha, and if the sweat, repellant soaked hair and welts on my feet from being feasted upon weren't enough, the "place to be" smelled like raw sewage. Yeah, let's just say I went straight to the shower when I got home in hopes that the smell didn't stick to me. YUCK! At first glance my feet look sunburned where my sandals didn't cover them, nope, those are ALL BITES... I need some Calamine lotion.
All that for 89 photos, 3 or 4 of which I might actually use. I'm going to go enjoy my apricot now :)
mmmm, fruit :) |
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